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What they DON’T tell you about 5G says more…
What they DON'T tell you about 5G says more... With the new Mobility Report out from Ericsson, I feel it’s nice to read what free reports from credible vendors are saying, but it’s more important to read what they are NOT saying. One has to remember that the end objective [...]
Is eSIM really a good substitute for Roaming?
Is eSIM really a good substitute for Roaming? Looks like eSIM is back in fashion, well at least talking about it seems to be. Unfortunately, yet again the posts that I’ve seen either provide half-truths that are then extrapolated to far-fetched conclusions to promote self-interests, or they are [...]
Why Your Strategy & Sacrifice go hand in hand
Why Your Strategy & Sacrifice go hand in handAn article by Dhiraj Wazir, CEO ROCCO STRATEGYIn previous blog (you can read the blog here) I wrote about how you can find out if you have an effective strategy by asking yourself 4 simple questions, and then asserting that if the answer [...]