Teams made up of members of MNOs, Vendors or mixed teams interested in this initiative must pay an entry fee of €2,500 for their companies to be registered and to attend the Genesis Hackathon Challenge Introduction Webinar (4th March 2024).
If participants also wish to take part in
The Innovators 2024, they can pay a registration fee of €2,900 (this registration fee allows them to register a solution in The Innovators 2024 and participate in The Genesis Hackathons 2024).The Registration phase of the Genesis Hackathons 2024 is very simple. Here are the steps:
- Email HQ@rocco.group to be registered.
- Teams will pay a registration fee.
- Registration is open from Nov. 22nd.
- Participating teams must provide a name for their teams.
- The Challenge Webinar will be held on March 4th to understand the challenges which participants have to try to solve.
- After the presentation of the challenges, anyone interested can register by writing to HQ@rocco.group.
Who can participate in the Genesis Hackathon?
Any MNO, vendor, or mixed team made up of members of both MNOs and vendors who want to challenge themselves and be recognised for their innovative thinking and quick development to solve industry needs. To participate, teams must have knowledge of Roaming or Messaging at a technical, operational and commercial level. Teams can be made up of members from different departments within the same company or can work in more than one company.
The company who is raising the Challenge will describe what is required for the participating teams to do.
The teams will then have three weeks to deliver and idea/solution against the Challenge.
The stakeholders will then consider which solutions should be shortlisted. By April 10th the shortlisted teams will be announced.
The shorlisted solutions will be presented at GENESIS on May 20th and 21st 2024.
A panel of expert judges with 1st-hand experience of the challenges will rate the solutions. After their verdict, the audience at Genesis will also have a chance to rate the innovation.
The scores will be collected and the winners will be announced at the Visionaries Gala on May 21st.
About The Genesis Hackathon
What is the Genesis Hackathon about?
These challenges will be presented by recognised stakeholders (MNOs or Enterprises) in their respective categories: Roaming & Messaging on March 4th, 2024. The challenges are real industry issues/cases to which several companies are looking for a solution. Participants will have to develop a product/service/ solution that solves the challenges in an original way.
What do I get for participating?
Possibility to receive an award as the best solution in the different Hackathon categories at the Genesis Visionaries Gala on the 21st May 2024 in Seville.