The first person to circumnavigate the globe was Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese explorer. He embarked on this historic journey in 1519, although he was killed in the Philippines and did not complete the entire voyage. His fleet continued on, and it was Juan Sebastián Elcano, a Spanish explorer, who completed the circumnavigation in 1522. It’s a telling tale of having a mission and great plans but not having the circumstances to succeed.

This Autumn’s Genesis Magazine is a celebration of success in our industry. The ones willing to explore and knowing they have the right crew, the right provisions and despite the challenges they may face, completing their missions!

Mauro Mele, Brian Beach and Mehdi Triki tell us how they navigated their successes in the Innovators 2023 and the Cellusys teams explain to us how they managed to come up with not one but two winning solutions in the Genesis Hackathons 2023.

We’re preparing to take these successes further, working with these organisations to showcase their amazing work. Companies who just take a problem face on and find a way to circumnavigate all the challenges ahead of them and complete their journeys.

Ok so that’s enough analogies for one introduction. Read all about their amazing stories here and get prepared to make yours happen at Genesis in Seville 2024.

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