Genesis magazine issue 6 first page

As we enter a new year there’s always so many voices telling us what to be watching, what will be the biggest topics for the year ahead? Will Mobile World Congress surprise us with something new? What remains true, is that in the buffet that is 2024, we already filled our plates in the first round and unusually for us, we may not go back for second helpings. There’s simply so much to work on…

We all expect 2024 to bring 5GSA sunrises, 2G/3G sunsets, new AI applications, RCS (will Apple or won’t they), a focus on Mixed and augmented realities (thinking about the Apple Vision Pro again, but wow the cost!). It is a busy year true, but at the same time we all know that there’s always at least one-small-shift which takes us by surprise each year, that ends up being significant to our industry, what will it be this year?

What we need more of in 2024 is relevant guidance, clarity, hope, what beacons will be there in the darkness to provide direction in our business challenges? The annual Genesis event of course.

In The Innovators 2024, there’s a very broad and mixed selection of solutions going through to Seville this year, some quite radical.. Also the Challengers for the Genesis Hackathons have some interesting requirements for the companies registered to take part. The companies last year really made waves presenting their solutions at IO and GSMA WAS.

And finally we will soon know who are the top 100 people in the telecoms industry according to the ROCCO IOO. 25 of whom will receive awards in Seville. There will be quite some networking opportunities I can tell you.

I have the feeling Genesis can be that beacon, lighting up innovative ideas and people which for many will make for a very interesting 2024.

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