The ROCCO Group
Driven by bringing innovation to telecoms, our businesses each have unique industry roles, with distinct products and services but with the same core values behind them all. We have built this capability to serve and make the telecoms sector prosper.
RESEARCH: Insights
- Vendor Benchmarking
- Market Intelligence
- The Innovators
- The Sustainability Report
STRATEGY: Consulting
- Strategic Planning
- Roaming Build
- Roaming360 Audit
- Insight Community
- Bespoke Research
- Content Creation
ROCCO U: Training
- On-Demand Training
- Live Training
- On Campus Courses
- Off Campus Courses
- Bespoke Courses
About Us
Nothing is so consistent in the telecoms sector as change. Faster, better, cheaper… Our zeal to consume more quality content, wherever we are in the world at a faster pace has turned us into an impatient crowd that stares at screens almost uninterruptedly and fidgets angrily at the smallest sign of a connection hiccup. But we all know that professionally and as businesses we always need to start preparing ourselves for the next step because there’s always another generation and a new buzz to get excited about.
ROCCO has been around since 2012 and from our conception we wanted to be a catalyst for innovation with Research, Strategy and Education that wasn’t biased, sponsored or boring. We now have three companies, and we’re not afraid to start a fourth, if there’s something new to deliver and a challenge to be met.
We create multiple types of reports on Roaming, Messaging and Fraud and Security and we deliver on-demand training and strategic consulting which together provide a rich foundation on which to wage strategic excellence. In telecoms, we face multiple unimaginable scenarios, but we face them with actionable insights, clarity of direction and purpose. Thanks for supporting ROCCO Group.
What We Do
Group News
What they DON’T tell you about 5G says more…
What they DON'T tell you about 5G says more... With the new Mobility Report out from Ericsson, I feel it’s nice to read what [...]
Global Connectivity 2024: The Solutions & Iniciatives that are Advancing Global Connectivity
Global Connectivity 2024: The Solutions & Iniciatives that are Advancing Global Connectivity Global Connectivity Strategy Report 2024 The telecommunications industry is rapidly evolving, driven [...]
5G SA Roaming Monetisation Strategy Report 2024
5G SA Roaming 2024: Challenges, Opportunities and Strategies for Success As the telecommunications industry continues to evolve, 5G Standalone (SA) Roaming [...]